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FromDual Performance Monitor for MariaDB 2.1.0 has been released

FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 2.1.0 of its popular Database Performance Monitor for MariaDB and Galera Cluster fpmmm.

The FromDual Performance Monitor for MariaDB (fpmmm) enables DBAs and System Administrators to monitor and understand what is going on inside their MariaDB database instances and on the machines where the databases reside.

Comparing Optimizer Results

A while ago I read a paper about Optimizer Benchmarks: How Good Are Query Optimizers, Really? by Viktor Leis from Fakultät für Informatik of the Technische Universität München.

FromDual Performance Monitor for MariaDB/MySQL allows SNMP monitoring

The newest release of the Performance Monitor for MariaDB and MySQL v2.0.0 (fpmmm) allows you to monitor your MariaDB and MySQL databases via SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol).

This feature enables you to report your Database Metrics into Enterprise Monitoring solutions from Microsoft, IBM or into Oracle Cloud Control.

FromDual Performance Monitor for MariaDB 2.0.0 has been released

FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 2.0.0 of its popular Database Performance Monitor for MariaDB and Galera Cluster fpmmm.

The FromDual Performance Monitor for MariaDB (fpmmm) enables DBAs and System Administrators to monitor and understand what is going on inside their MariaDB database instances and on the machines where the databases reside.

Query performance comparison between MariaDB ColumnStore and other Storage Engines

Storage Engines like InnoDB, Aria and MyISAM are Row Stores. They store rows one after the other in blocks or even directly in a single file (MyISAM). On the other hand a Column Store like MariaDB ColumnStore stores all the same attributes (columns) of the rows together in chunks.

This is how the table sales_fact looks like:

Do not trust other peoples benchmarks!

Because they do NOT reflect your problems.

One of our customers upgraded last month from MariaDB 10.2 to MariaDB 10.5. In the same change he also converted all his data warehouse (DWH)/BI tables from MyISAM to Aria. An all this, naturally, without testing. And it miserably failed! And then we were under heavy time pressure to make things working again...

What has changed:

SQL Query Tuning - Performance

How could the following SQL queries be improved performance wise and otherwise and can you also explain why your change is more optimal?

Please consider, when testing, that your results are not confused by the Query Cache or by reading data from your I/O system which are an order of magnitude faster (Query Cache) or slower (I/O) than the in-memory behaviour.


Creating synthetic data sets for tuning SQL queries

When it comes to SQL Query tuning with customers we often get the slow running SQL query and possibly, in good cases, also the table structure. But very often, for various reasons, we do not get the data.

FromDual Performance Monitor for MariaDB 1.2.0 has been released

FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 1.2.0 of its popular Database Performance Monitor for MariaDB and Galera Cluster fpmmm.

The FromDual Performance Monitor for MariaDB (fpmmm) enables DBAs and System Administrators to monitor and understand what is going on inside their MariaDB database instances and on the machines where the databases reside.

FromDual Performance Monitor for MySQL 1.2.0 has been released

FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 1.2.0 of its popular Database Performance Monitor for MySQL fpmmm.

The FromDual Performance Monitor for MySQL (fpmmm) enables DBAs and System Administrators to monitor and understand what is going on inside their MySQL database instances and on the machines where the databases reside.

More detailed information you can find in the fpmmm Installation Guide.

innodb_deadlock_detect - Rather Hands off!

Recently we had a new customer who has had from time to time massive database problems which he did not understand. When we reviewed the MySQL configuration file (my.cnf) we found, that this customer had disabled the InnoDB Deadlock detection (innodb_deadlock_detect).

Because we have advised against doing this so far, but I never stumbled upon this problem in practice, I have investigated a bit more about the MySQL variable innodb_deadlock_detect.

Eher Finger weg: innodb_deadlock_detect

Kürzlich haben wir bei einem unserer Kunden, der gelegentlich massive Datenbankprobleme hat, bei der Durchsicht der MySQL Konfigurationsdatei (my.cnf) festgestellt, dass er die InnoDB Deadlock-Erkennung (innodb_deadlock_detect) deaktiviert hatte.

Da wir davon bisher immer abgeraten haben, ich aber noch nie konkret über dieses Problem gestolpert bin, bin ich der Sache noch etwas nachgegangen und habe zur Variable innodb_deadlock_detect recherchiert.

FromDual Performance Monitor for MariaDB and MySQL 1.1.0 has been released

FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 1.1.0 of its popular Database Performance Monitor for MariaDB, MySQL and Galera Cluster fpmmm.

The FromDual Performance Monitor for MariaDB and MySQL (fpmmm) enables DBAs and System Administrators to monitor what is going on inside their MariaDB and MySQL databases and on their machines where the databases reside.

Do not underestimate performance impacts of swapping on NUMA database systems

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

If your MariaDB or MySQL database system is swapping it can have a significant impact on your database query performance! Further it can also slow down your database shutdown and thus influence the whole reboot of your machine. This is especially painful if you have only short maintenance windows or if you do not want to spend the whole night with operation tasks.

FromDual Performance Monitor for MariaDB and MySQL 1.0.2 has been released

FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 1.0.2 of its popular Database Performance Monitor for MariaDB, MySQL, Galera Cluster and Percona Server fpmmm.

The new FromDual Performance Monitor for MariaDB and MySQL (fpmmm) can be downloaded from here. How to install and use fpmmm is documented in the fpmmm Installation Guide.

To NULL, or not to NULL, that is the question!

As we already stated in earlier articles in this blog [1 and 2] it is a good idea to use NULL values properly in MariaDB and MySQL.

FromDual Performance Monitor for MySQL and MariaDB 1.0.1 has been released

FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 1.0.1 of its popular Database Performance Monitor for MySQL, MariaDB, Galera Cluster and Percona Server fpmmm.

You can download fpmmm from here.

In the inconceivable case that you find a bug in the fpmmm please report it to our Bug-tracker.

FromDual Performance Monitor for MySQL and MariaDB 1.0.0 has been released

FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 1.0.0 of its popular Database Performance Monitor for MySQL, MariaDB, Galera Cluster and Percona Server fpmmm.

You can download fpmmm from here.

In the inconceivable case that you find a bug in fpmmm please report it to our Bug-tracker.

FromDual Performance Monitor for MySQL and MariaDB 0.10.6 has been released

FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 0.10.6 of its popular Database Performance Monitor for MySQL, MariaDB, Galera Cluster and Percona Server fpmmm.

You can download fpmmm from here.

In the inconceivable case that you find a bug in fpmmm please report it to our Bug-tracker.

Download Performance Monitor

FromDual Performance Monitor for MySQL and MariaDB including MaaS

The FromDual Performance Monitor for MySQL, Galera Cluster, MariaDB and Percona Server is a Monitoring solution based on Zabbix. Its various alerts, advisors and graphs help you to monitor and operate your MySQL databases. This solution is also available as Monitoring as a Service solution if you want to avoid the hassle of installing your own monitoring solution.


FromDual Performance Monitor for MySQL and MariaDB 0.10.5 has been released

FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 0.10.5 of its popular Database Performance Monitor for MySQL, MariaDB, Galera Cluster and Percona Server fpmmm.

You can download fpmmm from here.

In the inconceivable case that you find a bug in fpmmm please report it to our Bug-tracker.

InnoDB Flush Log at Transaction Commit

InnoDB Flush Log at Transaction Commit is set to a values != 1. This can lead to a loss of committed transactions in case of a power failure or an unclean shutdown of your database.


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