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MariaDB SQL Error Log Plugin

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When you are for too long in business you think you know already everything and you are getting lazy. This happened to me again a few weeks ago. A customer asked me about the SQL Error Log Plugin. First I though he was talking about the MariaDB Error Log or the General Query Log. But then I have learned that there is something "new" I did not know yet...

MariaDB Log Rotation

Modern Linux Systems have a mechanism called logrotate to rotate different log files.

The general configuration file is located under /etc/logrotate.conf and specific changes are under /etc/logrotate.d/

By default the logrotate job is started once a day by a O/S cron.daily job: /etc/cron.daily/logrotate


Logging Galera Cluster conflicts

We typically suggest our customers to use our MySQL/Galera Cluster my.cnf configuration template to avoid MySQL configuration and performance problems.

And we are paranoid as well. Thus we enable all useful logging:

wsrep_log_conflicts = 1

But this has also some consequences of more visibility...

Last login of MySQL database users

MySQL hosting providers can easily loose the overview over their customers and which user or schema is still in use and which not.

The MySQL database becomes bigger and bigger, uses more and more RAM and disk space and the backup takes longer and longer.

In this situation it would be nice to know which MySQL database user has logged in within the last 6 months for example. MySQL database users who did not login within a defined period can be backuped and removed from the production MySQL database.

Logging users to the MySQL error log


A customer recently showed up with the following problem:

With your guidelines [ 1 ] I am now able to send the MySQL error log to the syslog and in particular to an external log server.
But I cannot see which user connects to the database in the error log.

How can I achieve this?


During night when I slept my brain worked independently on this problem and in the morning he had prepared a possible solution for it.

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