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Performance Tuning

Everything Performance Tuning (PT) related.

Do not trust other peoples benchmarks!

Because they do NOT reflect your problems.

One of our customers upgraded last month from MariaDB 10.2 to MariaDB 10.5. In the same change he also converted all his data warehouse (DWH)/BI tables from MyISAM to Aria. An all this, naturally, without testing. And it miserably failed! And then we were under heavy time pressure to make things working again...

What has changed:

Creating synthetic data sets for tuning SQL queries

When it comes to SQL Query tuning with customers we often get the slow running SQL query and possibly, in good cases, also the table structure. But very often, for various reasons, we do not get the data.

Schulung MariaDB/MySQL für Fortgeschrittene im August 2019 in Köln

Sommerferien-Zeit – für all die Daheimgebliebenen dürfte es jetzt hoffentlich etwas ruhiger zu und her gehen. Zeit für eine Weiterbildung? Es bleibt nicht mehr viel Zeit, das Jahres-Schulungs-Budget aufzubrauchen!

Vom 19. bis 23. August führt FromDual wieder einmal die Schulung MariaDB und MySQL für Fortgeschrittene in Köln durch. Siehe auch unsere Schulungstermine.

Special MySQL and MariaDB trainings 2018 in English

Due to a strong customer demand FromDual offers 2018 two extra MySQL/MariaDB trainings with its Training partner The Linuxhotel in Essen (Germany). Those trainings are in English.

  • MariaDB Performance Tuning on 5 and 6 September 2018 (2 days).
  • Advanced MySQL/MariaDB training on 26 to 30 November 2018 (5 days).

More information about the contents of the trainings can be found at Advanced MySQL and MariaDB training.

MySQL Performance Tuning für Entwickler

Unsere Präsentation von der CeBit 2015: MySQL Performance Tuning für Entwickler kann jetzt heruntergeladen werden.

Inhalt: Datenbank Performance, Profiling, General Query Log, des Admins Bazooka, Slow Query Log, Query Analyzer, Query Execution Plan, EXPLAIN, Indexieren, ...

MySQL single query performance - the truth!

MySQL single query performance - the truth!

As suggested by morgo I did a little test for the same query and the same data-set mentioned in Impact of column types on MySQL JOIN performance but looking into an other dimension: the time (aka MySQL versions).

The answer

To make it short. As a good consultant the answer must be: "It depends!" :-)

Advanced MySQL and MariaDB training

You are already familiar with the MySQL or MariaDB and you are challenged to operate a serious MySQL database. If this is the case this training is the right one for you.


MySQL und MariaDB fortgeschrittene Schulung

Sie sind bereits vertraut mit der MySQL oder MariaDB Datenbank und stehen nun vor der Herausforderung eine ernsthafte MySQL Datenbank zu betreiben. In diesem Fall sind Sie hier genau richtig.


Schulungstermine für MySQL Kurse 2013 in Deutschland

FromDual bietet auch im Jahr 2013 wieder intensive MySQL Schulungen für fortgeschrittene MySQL Anwender an.

Folgende deutschsprachigen Kurse sind geplant:

MySQL Backup, HA und Performance Tuning Schulung in Essen (D)

Zusammen mit dem Linux Hotel bieten wir jetzt auch in Essen MySQL Kurse an. Der erste Kurs findet noch dieses Jahr im Dezember statt:

What can MySQL performance monitoring graphs tell you?

Many of you may monitor their databases for different purposes. Beside alerting it is often good to also make some graphs from MySQL performance counters to see what is actually happening on your database.

MySQL vs. PostgreSQL

Im Admin-Magazin 2011/06 hat es einen netten Artikel über MySQL und PostgreSQL Performance Tuning: Duell der Datenbanken: In einem Shootout messen sich MySQL und PostgreSQL

Susanne hat dabei PostgreSQL, wir MySQL betreut...

MySQL Monitoring solutions

Basic solutions (CLI)

Those solutions are run from the command line (CLI):


Transaction performance

Transaction performance relates among other things from I/O performance. This means hard disk performance.

Hard disk performance

When you select a hard disk, an important feature to consider is the performance (speed) of the drive. Hard disks come in a wide range of performance capabilities. As is true of many things, one of the best indicators of a drive’s relative performance is its price. An old saying from the automobile-racing industry is appropriate here: "Speed costs money. How fast do you want to go?"

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