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Performance Tuning Key for MySQL
This MySQL Performance Tuning Key should give you a guide how to best tune you MySQL database systematically... It should also work similar for other RDBMS.
Also check our MySQL Performance Monitor
For a database configuration tuning only please look first at our MySQL database health check.
If this MySQL Database Health Check does NOT solve your problem our specialized Performance Tuning and Architecture Consultants can help you for sure!
Caution: Some recommendations are dangerous! Dangerous means you can loose or get inconsistent data in certain cases. Only use them if you know what you are doing!!!
Thanks to the following people for hints:- Jens Bollmann
Efficiency of Performance Tuning measurements
Before you start tuning you should think about the following graph:

And see also Relative Impact on Performance (p. 33 ff.)
(last updated 2010-10-03)
000. Do you have performance problems?
001. Have you ever tuned your system?
002. You have already started to tune your system
Chose the area you want to tune (the following order is recommended):
- Architecture & Design Tuning --> 100
- SQL Query Tuning --> 200
- Application Tuning --> 600
- Server Tuning --> 300
- Operating System Tuning --> 400
- Hardware Tuning --> 500
003. You have not yet tuned your system
You can choose now between 3 tuning paths:
004. You choose the more systematical path
- go through 100 ff. and then start from the beginning of this tuning key.
010. You choose the more profitable path.
Have you enabled the slow query log?
011. You did not yet enable the slow query log
Enable the slow query log with a long query time of for example 10 and then restart the server.
Then wait for a appropriate period of time which represents your typical business (for example 1 day, or 1 week or 1 month).
- --> 012
012. You have enabled the slow query log
Did you get any slow queries?
013. You have enabled the slow query log but no queries in it
Check if everything works fine by provoking a slow query (for example cartesian product: SELECT a.*, b.*, c.* FROM table a, table b, table c);
Have you now some queries in it?
014. Slow query log works fine but now queries in it
Decrease long query time to for example 5, then 3, then 2 and then 1 second. Have you now some queries in it?
015. Slow query log works fine but now queries running longer than 1 second in it
Is the system performance acceptable for you now?
020. You got some queries in the slow query log
Is the amount of slow queries huge (for example > 20-50)?
021. You got a huge amount of queries in the slow query log
Treat the slow query log with the following command: # mysqldumpslow -s t slow.log > slow.profile For windows users: You need perl and this script from a MySQL UNIX package. Pick the first query look for its original in the slow.log and take the query from the slow log!!!
- --> 200
050. You choose the quick shot path
Is your system read heavy (for example com_select / (com_insert* + com_replace* + com_update* + com_delete*) > 4)?
051. Your system is read heavy
Enable query cache. Does this help?
052. Your system is not read heavy
Do you use InnoDB tables only?
053. You use InnoDB tables only
Increase innodb_buffer_pool_size according your memory up to 80% of your RAM. Consider that system is NEVER swapping!!!
- --> 000
054. Do you use MyISAM tables only?
055. You use MyISAM tables only
Increase key_buffer_size according your memory up to 25-33% of your RAM. Consider that system is NEVER swapping!!!
- --> 000
056. You use MyISAM and InnoDB tables mixed
Split up to 80% of you RAM according the amount of your MyISAM and InnoDB data. Consider that system is NEVER swapping!!!
- --> 000
100. Architecture & Design Tuning
- Index tuning --> 150
- Data type tuning --> 160
- Table Design tuning --> 170
- Storage engines --> 101
- Character sets
- Concurrent inserts locking --> MyISAM
- Replication --> 190
- Architecture --> 140
101. Do you use MyISAM tables?
102. Do you use InnoDB tables?
103. Do you use other storage engine tables?
110. You use MyISAM tables
Do you use FULLTEXT indexing?
111. You use MyISAM tables and NO FULLTEXT indexing
AVG_ROW_LENGTH, MAX_ROWS, PACK_KEYS, ROW_FORMAT, myisam_data_pointer_size, myisampack
130. You use other storage engines tables
140. General database architecture tuning
Do you think your application can run without the use of a RDBMS?
- No: --> 141
- Yes: Try to avoid RDBMS if you do not really need it. There are some much faster solutions around! --> 000
141. Architecture tuning
The following items can help:
- Application on same/different servers
- MySQL Partitions (new with 5.1)
- Replication --> 190
- Physical partitioning of the data into different nodes.
- MySQL Cluster
- Upgrade to newer releases.
150. Indexing
Do you have fully redundant indices?
151. No: more fully redundant Indexes
Do you have partially redundant indexes?
152. No: more fully redundant Indexes and optimised partially redundant indexes
Do you have indices with attributes in different order?
153. Indexes cleaned up
Some more hints for indexing
- WHERE clause
- Aggregation functions
- ORDER BY clause
- JOIN operations
- High selectivity (> 10)
- Low selectivity (< 10)
- small tables
- covering indexes
- prefixed indexes
- pk with myisam
- cardinality
160. Data type tuning
- Use FLOAT instead of DOUBLE
- Use VARCHAR instead of CHAR (not always better!)
- Use BIT for status
170. Table design tuning
- Remove not needed attributes.
- Remove or move old/not used rows to other tables
- For MyISAM: AVG_ROW_LENGTH, MAX_ROWS, PACK_KEYS, ROW_FORMAT, myisam_data_pointer_size, myisampack
180. You use MyISAM tables with FULLTEXT index
For large datasets, it is much faster to load your data into a table that has no FULLTEXT index and then create the index after that, than to load data into a table that has an existing FULLTEXT index.
190. Replication tuning
Does the slave fall often/much behind the master?
191. Your slave is falling often/much behind the master
Which thread is the slow one. The IO_thread or the SQL_thread?
You can find this out by comparing the File/Position of SHOW MASTER STATUS and the Master_Log_File/Read_Master_Log_Pos (which reflects the Position of the IO_thread) and Relay_Master_Log_File/Exec_Master_Log_Pos (which reflects the Position of the SQL_thread) of SHOW SLAVE STATUS.
Typically it is the SQL_thread who makes you lagging
- IO_thread --> 192
- SQL_thread --> 197
- None of these: Please contact us to get more help. --> End
192. Your slave is falling behind the master because of the IO_thread
This can happen because of several reasons:
- Too many Slaves (more than 20 - 40 Slaves) --> 193
- Problems with the Network --> 194
- Too much data -->195
193. Too many Slaves
If you have too many Slaves (more than 20 - 40 Slaves per Master) this could be the issue. Try to use cascaded replication.
- Cascaded Replication: Please contact us to get more help. --> End
194. Problems with the Network
Check if you have problems with the network between your Slave and your Master (ifconfig, ping, etc.)
195. Too much data
If you transfer too much data this could also be the issue. Are you using Row-Based-Replication (RBR) or Statement-Based-Replication (SBR)?
- Increase Network throughput --> 196
- Row-Based-Replication (RBR) --> Try SBR.
- Statement-Based-Repilcation (SBR): We have to investigate more in detail. Please contact us to get more help. --> End
- Try to reduce the amount of data: Please contact us to get more help. --> End
- Try to shared your data: Please contact us to get more help. --> End
197. Your slave is falling behind the master because of the SQL_thread
This is more often the case than the IO_thread is lagging. It comes because of severl reasons:
- Missing Primary Keys when using Row-Based-Replication --> 000
- Genrally badly tuned queries --> 000
- Worse configuration of Slave than Master --> 000
- Weaker Slave than Master --> 000
- Single-Threaded nature of Slave --> 000
200. SQL Query Tuning
- SELECT --> 201
- ORDER BY --> 240
- GROUP BY --> 250
- When you think your queries are perfect --> 300
--> Chap. 7.2220. INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE
240 ORDER BY 7.2.12 Optimisation
- --> filesort
- Index
- increase sort_buffer_size
- increase read_rnd_buffer_size
- point tmpdir to a dedicated file system
241. Is the query really needed like this?
242. Change the query
- --> End
243. Check if index is used for ORDER BY (Using filesort if NOT)
244. Try to find a index matching ORDER BY
- --> Go to 245
245. Try to (regularly) store the rows in sorted order (ALTER TABLE ... ORDER BY ...)
- --> Go to 246
246. Try to increase sort_buffer_size for this query
- --> Go to 247
247. Try to increase read_rnd_buffer_size
- --> Go to 248
248. Move tmpdir to other Disk
- --> End
250 GROUP BY 7.2.13
251. Is the query really needed like this?
252. Change the query
- --> End
253. Check if index is used for GROUP BY (all attributes from the same index in order, NO temporary)?
254. Try to find a index matching GROUP BY or do GROUP BY in the same order than SORT BY
- --> Go to 255
255. GROUP BY sort according expression. Do you really need a sorting?
256. Try to add ORDER BY NULL to your statement
- --> 257
257. Try to (regularly) store the rows in sorted order (ALTER TABLE ... ORDER BY ...)
- --> Go to 258
258. When query is still to slow, try to
- Optimise table and/or data structure (compression, static row format, exclude columns, exclude old rows, data types)
- Create your own aggregation table
- Partition horizontally or vertically
300. Server Tuning SHOW STATUS analysis301. Is your MySQL server already running a reasonable amount of time (uptime, 1 period of usual business (for example 1 day or 1 week))?
- YES --> 302
- NO --> Wait until then. In the meantime you can enable the slow query log --> Slow query log.
302. What storage engine are you using?
303. You are using mixed storage engines, general
parameters304. Connections
- Connections
- Aborted_clients
- Aborted_connects
- Threads_cached
- Threads_connected
- Threads_created increasing --> increase thread_cache_size
- Threads_running
- Max_used_connections
305. Throughput
- Bytes_received
- Bytes_sent
- Questions
306. Slow query log enabled?
- No: --> Enable slow query log first and then come back.
- Yes: -->
307. Check for slow queries. Do you have slow queries?
Slow_queries- No: -->
- Yes: --> Go to analysing and optimising queries and then come back here.
308. IO contention:
- Table_locks_immediate
- Table_locks_waited
308a. IO contention:
308b. IO contention:
308c. IO contention:
309. Status about temporary resources
- Yes: --> increase tmp_table_size or optimise queries --> 309a
- No: --> 309a
- Created_tmp_files
Do you see high created_tmp_disk_tables values (high: Created_tmp_disk_tables / Created_tmp_tables > 5%)?
309a. Status about temporary resources (Created_tmp_files)
- Created_tmp_files
310. Files, tables, streams
- Open_files
- Open_streams
- If Open_tables is close to table_cache or Opened_tables increasing increase table_cache.
310a. Table .frm file
- Yes: --> disable syn_frm -->
- No: -->
Can you afford to lose some tables/get corrupt table after instance crash?
311. select
- Select_full_join --> Should be zero
- Select_full_range_join --> only critical when high
- Select_range
- Select_range_check
- Select_scan
312. sort
- Sort_merge_passes --> high then increase sort_buffer_size
- Sort_range
- Sort_rows
- Sort_scan
313. Are you using the MySQL query cache?
- Yes: -->
- No: -->
- Qcache_free_blocks
- Qcache_free_memory
- Qcache_hits
- Qcache_inserts
- Qcache_lowmem_prunes
314. Qcache_not_cached high even free_memory available?
- --> YES 5.14.1 Try to avoid queries which are not cachable...
- --> NO
- Qcache_queries_in_cache
- Qcache_total_blocks
- --> flush query cache
316. delayed inserts
- Delayed_errors
- Delayed_insert_threads
- Delayed_writes
- Not_flushed_delayed_rows
320. You are using pure MyISAM
- If you have a small database decrease myisam_data_pointer_size
- If you do a lot of OUTER JOINS try to change myisam_stats_method
- If Key_blocks_unused is ALWAYS high decrease key_buffer_size and use resources somewhere else.
- If Key_blocks_used * key_cache_block_size is close to key_buffer_size increase key_buffer_size.
- If Key_blocks_unused is near to 0 increase key_buffer_size.
- If Key_read_requests/Key_reads is less than 100 increase key_buffer_size.
InnoDB tuning
InnoDB application tuning
330. PRIMARY KEY tuning
- No: --> 330a
- Yes: Updating PK's is expensive. Try to avoid this. --> 330a
Are you updating your PRIMARY KEY's?
330a. Data load tuning
331. Data load tuning for InnoDB tables
- No: --> 332
- Yes: Load on InnoDB table is best done on table with indexes (not like MyISAM). --> 332
Are you dropping indexes on InnoDB tables before loading?
332. Data load tuning for InnoDB tables
- Yes: --> 333
- No: Importing is fastest if the rows are presorted in the PRIMARY KEY order. Try to sort them before loading either on OS level or dumping with ORDER BY. --> 333
Are your rows sorted in PRIMARY KEY order?
333. Data load transaction tuning
- No: --> 334
- Yes: Consider to pool some or all statements into one transaction (one single disk cannot do more than 250 trx/s!) with START TRANSACTION and COMMIT. Disable AUTOCOMMIT. --> 334
Have you AUTOCOMMIT enabled or are you committing after each DML statement?
334. Data load INSERT tuning
- Yes: --> 335
- No: Use multi row INSERT syntax if possible. --> 335
Are you using multi row INSERT syntax?
335. Data load KEY check tuning
- No: --> 336
- Yes: Disable UNIQUE_CHECKS and/or FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS during import. --> 336
Do you have UNIQUE KEYs or FOREIGN KEYs on your table?
336. Data load InnoDB variable tuning
- No: --> 338
- Yes: Make innodb_buffer_pool_size and innodb_log_file_size bigger during import. --> 337
Can you stop and restart your database server before/after data load?
337. Data load InnoDB variable tuning
- No: --> 338
- Yes: Consider setting innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit != 1 during load--> 338
Can you manually roll back or restart your data load when system crashes during data load?
338. Data load with LAST_INSERT_ID
- No: --> 339
- Yes: Try to avoid LAST_INSERT_ID during data load. --> 339
Are you using LAST_INSERT_ID in your data load transactions?
339. Data load ROLLBACK or crash tuning
- Yes: --> 340
- No: Beware of huge ROLLBACK's (happens also after crash). This can take hours. Make smaller pieces of your transaction. --> 340
Can you afford to wait for hours when transaction must be rolled back or database crashes during data load?
340. Delete rows from table during data load
- No: --> 345
- Yes: Use TRUNCATE table instead of DELETE. Disable FOREIGN KEY constraints before if necessary. --> 345
Do you have to delete all rows from a table?
InnoDB Table Design
345. PRIMARY KEY tuning
- No: --> 346
- Yes: In InnoDB you should only use short PRIMARY KEY's (rule of thumb: <= 20 byte). Best is AUTO_INCREMENT [TINY|SMALL|MEDIUM]INT --> 346
Do you have "long" PRIMARY KEY's (PK)?
346. InnoDB index tuning
- No: --> 347
- Yes: Try to avoid indices on long CHAR or VARCHAR attributes. Consider prefixed indices. --> 347
Have you indices on long CHAR or VARCHAR attributes?
347. InnoDB Index tuning
- No: --> 348
- Yes: Because utf8 uses more space (3 bytes) for indices and CHAR attributes you should only define your columns with utf8 when you really need it! --> 348
Have you defined your tables with character set = utf8?
348. CHAR tuning
- No: --> 350
- Yes: Choose VARCHAR instead of CHAR if you have varying field length or if you use utf8 character set. --> 350
Do you use CHAR attributes with varying field length or utf8 character set?
InnoDB parameter tuning
350. Transactions and full ACID compliancy
351. Transactions and full ACID compliancy
352. You do NOT need transactions or full ACID compliancy
- No: --> 355
- Yes: Set flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2 --> 353
Can you afford to loose little amount of data in case of crash?
353. InnoDB double write tuning
- No: --> 355
- Yes: disable innodb_doublewrite --> 355
Can you risk to get corrupted data after system crash?
355. You NEED transaction and/or full ACID compliancy
- Yes: --> 356
- No: set innodb_support_xa = 0 --> 356
Do you need distributed transactions (XA) feature (for example for replication)?
356. InnoDB buffer pool tuning
- No: --> 357
- Yes: --> Increase innodb_buffer_pool_size up to 50-80% of your memory (less than 1800 Mbyte on 32-bit systems) if innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free is 0. Avoid swapping. --> 357
Do you have a lot of IO activity or is Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free = 0 and do you have enough free memory (RAM)?
357. InnoDB additional memory pool tuning
- No: --> Do not touch this parameter --> 358
- Yes: --> Innodb_additional_mem_pool is increased dynamically by MySQL. Increase this value only moderately if you have error messages in your MySQL error log --> 358
Have you errors in the MySQL error log concerned with innodb_additional_mem_pool?
358. InnoDB log file size tuning
- No: --> 359
- Yes: --> Increase your innodb_log_file_size up to (innodb_buffer_pool_size / innodb_log_files_in_group) but not more than (4 Gbyte / innodb_log_files_in_group). Larger log files means longer recovery time! 359
Do you have a lot of I/O activity on your disk system where your InnoDB log file resides?
359. InnoDB thread concurrency tuning
- No: --> 359a
- Yes: Try to change innodb_thread_concurrency. A good point to start is: (#CPU + #Disks). Other recommendations are: 4, (#Disks * #CPU * 2) or (#CPU * 2). This parameter is very system and OS dependent you have to play around with it and benchmark your system! --> 359a
Do you have more than 4 CPU's/cores (without hyper threading) or many connections?
359a. InnoDB max dirty pages tuning
- No: --> 359b
- Yes: decrease innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct to 80-50% or even lower during peak time --> 359b
Do you have several little peaks a day you want to break?
359b. InnoDB log buffer size tuning
359c. InnoDB flush log tuning
359d. InnoDB flush log tuning
- No: --> 359e
- Yes: set innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2 and test very good if your disk cache batteries really work! -->359e
Do you have have battery cache disk buffers?
359e. InnoDB flush log tuning
- No: --> 359f
- Yes: set innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 0 -->359f
Can you afford to lose up to 1 second of your data?
359f. InnoDB checksum tuning
- No: --> 359g
- Yes: disable innodb_checksums --> 359g
Can you risk to be not aware of physical data corruption?
359g. InnoDB flush method tuning
- Yes: --> 359i
- No: Try innodb_flush_method fsync, O_DSYNC or O_DIRECT for Linux and BSD (Solaris) --> 359i
Have you ever tried to change innodb_flush_method?
359i InnoDB binlog tuning
- No: --> 359j
- Yes: Disable innodb_safe_binlog and/or sync_binlog --> 359j
Can you afford to loose some data in the binlog in case of database crash?
InnoDB data storage tuning
359j. Rebuilding InnoDB tables
- No: --> 359k
- Yes: --> Rebuilding the table will remove fragmentation and reduces page splits. 359k
Are you doing a lot of DML statements on your InnoDB table?
359k. Separate InnoDB log files from InnoDB tablespace files
- No: --> 359l
- Yes: Separate your InnoDB tablespace files from your InnoDB log files (on different physical disks) if you do not have "stripe everything everywhere" disk architecture. --> 359l
Do you have high I/O on your disk and several disks in your box?
359l. InnoDB tablespace tuning
- Yes: --> 359m
- No: In MySQL 4.1, using per-file tables increases performance. --> 359m
Do you have per-file tablespaces?
359m. InnoDB tablespace tuning with innodb_file_per_table
- No: --> 359n
- Yes: Try to separate your InnoDB table with the hot spot on separate physical disk if you do not have "stripe everything everywhere" disk architecture --> 359n
Do you have high I/O on disks where your InnoDB tablespace files reside?
InnoDB hardware and OS tuning
359n. I/O system access tuning
- No: --> 359o
- Yes: Try to use raw devices. This should only be done as last resort. --> 359o
Are your InnoDB tablespace file or log files stored on normal file systems?
359o. CPU tuning
- No: --> 359p
- Yes: Disable hyper threading. It helps sometimes. --> 359p
Have your CPU's hyper threading mode?
359p. Battery supplied disk cache
- No: --> 100
- Yes: Consider to set innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2. --> 100
Has your I/O system battery supplied disk cache?
400. Operating System Tuning
- Avoid old Windows and old BSD kernels. Use mainstream OS like Linux, Solaris, Windows.
- Use recent 2.6 Linux kernels.
- Some file systems do not perform optimal.
- Use recent file systems.
- Use NPTL thread library.
File System tuning
410. File System Tuning
- Yes:
- No:
Have you mounted your File System with noatime and nodiratime?
420. I/O Scheduler
- Yes:
- No:
The default I/O scheduler may not be optimal for database workloads. If you are I/O limited, try an other I/O scheduler.
cat /sys/block/<device>/queue/scheduler
noop and deadline often give better results than cfq or anticipatory.
500. Hardware Tuning
501. You are using hyper threading
502. Disabling hyper threading did not help
503. You are using 32-bit Architecture
64-bit architectures sometimes performs better. Try using a 64-bit architecture. End
600. Application tuning
601. Application tuning other problems
Do you have backup/restore tuning problems?
602. Application tuning other problems
Not yet implemented. Sorry!
640. Backup/restore tuning
650. Data load tuning
651. General hints for data load tuning
- Use LOAD DATA INFILE (Section 13.2.5, “LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax”)
- Use multiple-row INSERT syntax (7.2.16. Speed of INSERT Statements)
- Temporarily turn off the uniqueness checks during the import session
- Wrap load with table locks
655. Data load tuning for MyISAM tables
- Increase key_buffer_size
660. Data load tuning for MyISAM tables with FULLTEXT indices
For large datasets, it is much faster to load your data into a table that has no FULLTEXT index and then create the index after that, than to load data into a table that has an existing FULLTEXT index.
FromDual Performance Tuning Consulting
If all those measures did NOT help you to solve your MySQL Performance Tuning problems you really need some external help.
Please get in contact with us and we are glad to help you!
We provide MySQL Consulting services, remote and on-site and we offer you our Remote-DBA services if you do not have your own MySQL DBA or lack of DBA resources...