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Automated MariaDB restore tests

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Nearly everybody does backups. But nobody needs backups! What everybody wants and needs is a working restore not a working backup...

So how to make sure that your backup is working for the restore? There are a few things you can do already during your backup:

How to force InnoDB Buffer Pool flushing

InnoDB tries to keep pages in Buffer Pool to be fast. If a page is changed by a DML statement (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) this change will be done in InnoDB Buffer Pool and not directly on disk. But those changed InnoDB pages residing in InnoDB Buffer Pool must be flushed sooner or later to disk to become persistent. This is done by the InnoDB background writer thread(s) (default 4).

Partial Restore of a Table into a MariaDB Galera Cluster

In my former Blog Post Partial Table or Schema restore from mariabackup full backup we worked out the basics of a partial restore of a table into a MariaDB database instance.

An now we use this know-how to try the same procedure on a Galera Cluster.

The backup is done in the exact same way as described in the mentioned article. We can even use the backup made there.

For the restore we use the following procedure:

Partial Table or Schema restore from mariabackup full backup

For me it was for a long time not clear if a mariabackup full backup can be used to do partial table or schema restores. Now we faced this challenge with a customer. So time to try it out...

This test was made with MariaDB 10.5.5. So it may not work with some older MariaDB releases...


Because I do not know during the backup if I need a full or a partial restore I always want to do a full mariabackup backup!

FromDual Ops Center for MariaDB and MySQL 0.9.2 has been released

FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 0.9.2 of its popular FromDual Ops Center for MariaDB and MySQL focmm.

The FromDual Ops Center for MariaDB and MySQL (focmm) helps DBA's and System Administrators to manage MariaDB and MySQL database farms. Ops Center makes DBA and Admins life easier!

Schulung MariaDB/MySQL für Fortgeschrittene im August 2019 in Köln

Sommerferien-Zeit – für all die Daheimgebliebenen dürfte es jetzt hoffentlich etwas ruhiger zu und her gehen. Zeit für eine Weiterbildung? Es bleibt nicht mehr viel Zeit, das Jahres-Schulungs-Budget aufzubrauchen!

Vom 19. bis 23. August führt FromDual wieder einmal die Schulung MariaDB und MySQL für Fortgeschrittene in Köln durch. Siehe auch unsere Schulungstermine.

Oops! - That SQL Query was not intended... Flashback

It is Saturday night at 23:19. Time to go to bed after a hard migration day. Just a last clean-up query before finishing: Tap tap tap. Enter! - Oops!

SQL> UPDATE prospect_lists_prospects SET prospect_list_id = '73ae6cca-7b34-c4a3-5500-5d0e2674dbb6';
Query OK, 4686 rows affected (0.21 sec)
Rows matched: 5666  Changed: 4686  Warnings: 0

A verification query to make sure I am in the mess:

Dropped Tables with FromDual Backup Manager

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Some applications have the bad behaviour to CREATE or DROP tables while our FromDual Backup Manager (bman) backup is running.

This leads to the following bman error message:

FromDual Ops Center for MariaDB and MySQL 0.9.1 has been released

FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 0.9.1 of its popular FromDual Ops Center for MariaDB and MySQL focmm.

The FromDual Ops Center for MariaDB and MySQL (focmm) helps DBA's and System Administrators to manage MariaDB and MySQL database farms. Ops Center makes DBA and Admins life easier!

FromDual Ops Center for MariaDB and MySQL 0.9 has been released

Caution: We have introduced an evil bug which prohibits installation of focmm. Sorry! Somehow it did pass our QA. To fix this bug update file lib/ on Line 1965 as follows:

- $sql = sprintf("REPLACE INTO `focmm_configuration` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('%s', '%s'), ('%s', '%s'), ('%s', '%s')"
+ $sql = sprintf("REPLACE INTO `focmm_configuration` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('%s', '%s'), ('%s', '%s')"

In the meanwhile we prepare a new release.

MySQL Enterprise Backup Support Matrix

MySQL Enterprise Backup (MEB) is a bit limited related to support of older MySQL versions. So you should consider the following release matrix:

To NULL, or not to NULL, that is the question!

As we already stated in earlier articles in this blog [1 and 2] it is a good idea to use NULL values properly in MariaDB and MySQL.

Cool new features in FromDual Backup and Recovery Manager 2.0.0

A while ago we released our FromDual Backup and Recovery Manager (brman) 2.0.0 for MariaDB and MySQL. So what are the new cool features of this new release?

First of all brman 2.0.0 is compatible with MariaDB 10.3 and MySQL 8.0:

MySQL Enterprise Backup Incremental Cumulative and Differential Backup

Preparing the MySQL Enterprise Administrator Training I found that the MySQL Enterprise Backup Incremental Backup is not described very well. Thus I tried it out and wrote down this how-to:

Differential Incremental Backup


FromDual Backup and Recovery Manager for MySQL 1.2.5 has been released

FromDual has the pleasure to announce the release of the new version 1.2.5 of the popular Backup and Recovery Manager for MySQL and MariaDB (fromdual_brman).

You can download the FromDual Backup and Recovery Manager from here.


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