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Be cautious when using Virtualized System with your Database

A customer rose a support case with a problem on his Master-Master set-up. The 2nd Master claims to have a problem:

Be careful when using SAN

Be careful when using SAN (Storage Area Networks) or similar shared storage solutions (and any other virtualization, consolidation or cloud solutions).

This week it happened again: A customer called us because he had some troubles with his on-line shop (note the date!). Everybody in his company complained that the databases are answering slowly.

Vorsicht bei der Nutzung von SAN

Vorsicht bei der Nutzung von SAN (Storage Area Networks) oder ähnlichen Shared Storage Lösungen (und allen anderen Virtualisierungs-, Konsolidierungs- oder Cloud-Lösungen).

FromDual consulting tool collection

The following tools we use sometimes for our consulting engagements...

Caution: These tools are NOT for production use! Use with care!


MySQL on VMware Workstation/DRBD vs. VMWare ESX Server/SAN

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Or an active-active failover cluster à la VMware.

Today I have learned about a totally crazy/cool looking architecture where the expensive VMware ESX server was replace by a free/cheap VMware Workstation version in combination with DRBD.

Basically DRBD we name the poor man's SAN and that is exactly what this customer is doing. He replaced the SAN with DRBD and now he can easily move one VMware instance to the other host. Possibly it is not that flexible and powerful as an ESX Server but also not so expensive...

The architecture looks as follows:

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