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Partial physical database restore for MariaDB and MySQL

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What is it about?

When describing backup and restore scenarios, a full backup and a full restore of the database instance (mariadbd/mysqld) are usually assumed. This means that the entire database instance, including all databases (schemas), is backed up and restored.

In practice, however, the situation is often different: An entire database instance is not to be restored, but only individual databases or even individual tables, because only these have broken.

Partieller physischer Datenbank-Restore für MariaDB und MySQL

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Um was geht es?

Bei der Beschreibung von Backup- und /Restore-Szenarien wird in der Regel immer von einem vollständigen Backup (full backup) und einem vollständigen Restore (full restore) der Datenbankinstanz (mariadbd/mysqld) ausgegangen. Das bedeutet, dass die gesamte Datenbankinstanz inklusive aller Datenbanken (Schemata) gesichert und wiederhergestellt wird.

Partial Restore of a Table into a MariaDB Galera Cluster

In my former Blog Post Partial Table or Schema restore from mariabackup full backup we worked out the basics of a partial restore of a table into a MariaDB database instance.

An now we use this know-how to try the same procedure on a Galera Cluster.

The backup is done in the exact same way as described in the mentioned article. We can even use the backup made there.

For the restore we use the following procedure:

Partial Table or Schema restore from mariabackup full backup

For me it was for a long time not clear if a mariabackup full backup can be used to do partial table or schema restores. Now we faced this challenge with a customer. So time to try it out...

This test was made with MariaDB 10.5.5. So it may not work with some older MariaDB releases...


Because I do not know during the backup if I need a full or a partial restore I always want to do a full mariabackup backup!

How MySQL behaves with many schemata, tables and partitions


Recently a customer claimed that his queries were slow some times and sometimes they were fast.

First idea: Flipping query execution plan caused by InnoDB could be skipped because it affected mainly MyISAM tables.

Second idea: Caching effects by either the file system cache caching MyISAM data or the MyISAM key buffer caching MyISAM indexes were examined: File system cache was huge and MyISAM key buffer was only used up to 25%.

I was a bit puzzled...

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