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MariaDB PL/SQL Examples

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Before you start


Infinite Loop Example



  SELECT 'Hello world from MariaDB anonymous PL/SQL block!';




Migration from MySQL 5.7 to MariaDB 10.4

Up to version 5.5 MariaDB and MySQL can be considered as "the same" databases. The official wording at those times was "drop-in-replacement". But now we are a few years later and times and features changed. Also the official wording has slightly changed to just "compatible".
FromDual recommends that you consider MariaDB 10.3 and MySQL 8.0 as completely different database products (with some common roots) nowadays. Thus you should work and act accordingly.

MariaDB sys Schema

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

The MySQL sys Schema is a cool thing and was mostly developed by Mark Leith and Jesper Wisborg Krogh from Oracle/MySQL.

MariaDB and MySQL consulting by plane

Since January 2019 FromDual tries to contribute actively a little bit against global warming too.

The best for the climate would be to NOT travel to the customer at all! For this cases we have our FromDual remote-DBA services for MariaDB and MySQL.

MariaDB indexing of NULL values

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In the recent MariaDB DBA advanced training class the question came up if MariaDB can make use of an index when searching for NULL values... And to be honest I was not sure any more. So instead of reading boring documentation I did some little tests:

Search for NULL

First I started with a little test data set. Some of you might already know it:

Schulung MariaDB/MySQL für Fortgeschrittene vom 12.-16. 11. in Köln

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

In unserer FromDual Schulung MariaDB/MySQL für Fortgeschrittene vom 12. bis 16. November in Köln hat es zur Zeit noch 3 Plätze frei.

Anmelden können Sie sich direkt bei unserem Schulungspartner GfU in Köln.

Select Hello World FromDual with MariaDB PL/SQL

MariaDB 10.3 was released GA a few weeks ago. One of the features which interests me most is the MariaDB Oracle PL/SQL compatibility mode.

So its time to try it out now...

MariaDB at FromDual

FromDual as a neutral and vendor independent database service company also provides various services for the MariaDB database.


MySQL sys Schema in MariaDB 10.2

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

MySQL has introduced the PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA (P_S) in MySQL 5.5 and made it really usable in MySQL 5.6 and added some enhancements in MySQL 5.7 and 8.0.

MariaDB 10.2 New Features - Slides available

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

The Chemnitz Linux Days 2018 in Chemnitz (Germany) 10/11 March 2018 are over for more than a week now and IMHO it was a huge success.

I was following many very interesting talks, met a lot of interesting people and learned a lot!

First Docker steps with MySQL and MariaDB

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

The Docker version of the distributions are often quite old. On Ubuntu 16.04 for example:

shell> docker --version 
Docker version 1.13.1, build 092cba3

But the current docker version is 17.09.0-ce (2017-09-26). It seems like they have switched from the old version schema x.y.z to the new year.month.version version schema in February/March 2017.

MariaDB Master/Master GTID based Replication with keepalived VIP

Important: FromDual does NOT recommend to use an automated VIP failover technology as described below for a MariaDB/MySQL Master/Master Replication. In such a topology we recommend a manual VIP failover with prepared scripts!

Some of our customers still want to have old-style MariaDB Master/Master Replication Clusters. Time goes by, new technologies appear but some old stuff still remains.

Non-standard database set up with SELinux

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What is SELinux?

The Security-Enhanced Linux is an extension to the Linux Kernel, made by the NSA (National Security Agency). It implements Mandatory Access Controls (MAC), which allow an administrator to define, how applications and users can access resources on a system.

MySQL and MariaDB variables inflation

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

MySQL is well known and widely spread because of its philosophy of Keep it Simple (KISS).

We recently had the discussion that with newer releases also MySQL and MariaDB relational databases becomes more and more complicated.

New Features in MySQL and MariaDB

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

As you probably know MySQL is an Open Source product licensed under the GPL v2. The GPL grants you the right to not just read and understand the code of the product but also to use, modify AND redistribute the code as long as you follow the GPL rules.

How to Install MySQL Enterprise Server 5.7 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

If you have already Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL 7) or CentOS 7 in use you probably found out, that it is not that easy to install MySQL Enterprise Server because there are already pre-installed MariaDB 5.5 libraries:

FromDual Schulung MySQL und SQL für Einsteiger

FromDual bietet zusammen mit der GFU Cyrus GmbH in Köln vom 17. - 21. Oktober 2016 eine MySQL und SQL Schulung für Einsteiger an.

Anmelden können Sie sich unter Schulungstermine für MySQL und MariaDB.

Differences between MySQL and MariaDB

  • max_user_connections Can be changed online in MySQL. Cannot be changed in MariaDB if value was set to 0.
  • PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA is enabled in MySQL 5.6 and 5.7 by default. In MariaDB disabled by default.
  • Replication incompatibilities from MariaDB (Master) to MySQL (Slave)
  • MariaDB 10.2.0 still contains XtraDB 5.6. So MySQL 5.7 features cannot be used.
  • MariaDB 10.2 Window Functions are missing in MySQL 5.7
  • SHOW PROCESSLIST has additional column Progress in MariaDB.

MariaDB und MySQL Entwickler Schulung

Sie sind bereits Datenbank Applikations-Entwickler oder auf dem Weg dorthin. Nun wollen Sie mehr darüber erfahren, was MariaDB und MySQL alles an Funktionalität zu bieten hat, welche Sie anschliessend verwenden können um Ihre Anwendung noch besser zu machen, effizienter zu entwickeln und schneller auf dem Markt zu bringen.


MySQL and MariaDB developer training

You are already a database application developer or on the way there. Now you would like to learn more about, what MySQL and MariaDB features are available which you can use later to build even better applications, to develop more efficiently applications and shorten your time to market.


MariaDB und MySQL Schulungstermine

Wir bieten unsere MariaDB und MySQL Schulungen zusammen mit renommierten Schulungsunternehmen an: Dem Linuxhotel in Essen, der Heinlein Akademie in Berlin und GFU Cyrus AG in Köln.


MySQL and MariaDB training class schedule

We offer our MySQL and MariaDB trainings together with well-respected training organizations: The Linuxhotel in Essen (Germany), the Heinlein Academy in Berlin (Germany) and GFU Cyrus AG in Cologne (Germany).



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